Sage Line 50 Serial Number Activation Key
Detailed steps for installing Sage 50 2016 are on textbook pages vi-xviii.
Mar 28, 2017 Click on the serial number for the relevant software. Note down the activation key number and other relevant license details that may be required for the activation of the software. Now you need to enter this activation key in your Sage 50 software to activate your software. For this, Open Sage 50. 15 rows When you first open your Sage software you're prompted to enter your serial number and activation key. If you later need to check the serial number and activation key entered, the table below shows where you can find these details in.
The Sage 50 2016 Student Version is valid for 14 months from the date of activation. Read all of the information below.
Insert the CD included with the textbook. Refer to textbook pages viii-xviii, Steps 1 through 20.
Or, download the software at, page vii. Read the Education Partner Program information.
(16.0K) . Complete the fields on the Sage Education Partner Program form. Select Sage 50 Accounting - U.S. Edition.Accept the default destination folder by clicking <Install>. The Welcome screen appears; refer to Steps 3-20, textbook pages viii-xviii.
Type 41EC6-FBE6-86BE-3ØFF in the Serial Number field (Step 6, textbook page ix).
Product activation is required. From Sage 50's menu bar, select Help > Sage 50 Activation. If you do not complete product activation, Sage 50 will stop working after a few uses (Step 14, textbook pages xiv-xv).
To receive the serial number for the FREE non-time limited multiuser Educational Version, email, 800-256-8807. The software can be installed from the CD included with the textbook or downloaded from The size of the software is 663 MB. Estimated download time is 60 minutes over 1.5 mbps DSL. For Computer Lab Installation, refer to textbook page xx.
Serial Number Search
Sage 50 Accounts Serial Number Activation Key
When installing the Educational Version software, use the serial number emailed from Sage Education. The serial number for the Educational Version differs from the Student Version serial number. The software features are the same except the Educational Version does not have a time limit.
If your school is already a Sage Education Partner, the 2016 software update is sent automatically.