
How To Get Monitor Serial Number Through Command Prompt

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How would I go about viewing a list of COM ports in use without the use of Device Manager?

  1. How To Get Monitor Serial Number Using Wmic
  2. Serial Number Lookup

Apr 13, 2012 - I have read a few posts that mention Monitor information but none that I saw answered this question: Can the Model and Serial number of a monitor connected to a computer with the. It's first time I'm using Sysaid forum.

I don't want to install any software either. Is there a possible way to do this through the command line?


7 Answers

In the command prompt use


Used without parameters, mode displays all the controllable attributes of the CON (console) and the available COM devices (and LPT as well).

Accepts /? switch for basic help:

mode /?


In the command prompt use:


In PowerShell:


Hope this helps.


I know the question has been answered, but this is another method.

In command prompt, use:
in windows Vista and up. Lists your ports and which device they are.

Thomas LarsenThomas Larsen

Using modeSkyrim save editor xbox 360 free download. most of the time I don't see the devices that are not connected.

I prefer to use this solution with Python:

So I can see anything plugged in even if the connection is closed.

serial.tools.list_ports is from package pyserial.


wmic https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/wmisdk/wmic is a windows command line utility to get system information.

If your serial port is virtual created by some driver through USB connection, use this example to get details about these serial ports.


The snippet below lists serial ports into the $PORTS variable

PORTS=/c/Windows/System32/mode.com grep Status.*COM awk '{ print $4 }' sed s/://

echo -n 'Programming (echoing) ports: 'for aa in $PORTS; do echo -n $aadoneecho '

How To Get Monitor Serial Number Using Wmic

Peter GlenPeter Glen

You can also run the following from cmd.exe prompt


And here is an open source utility to do the same and more:https://todbot.com/blog/2012/03/02/listcomports-windows-command-line-tool-for-usb-to-serial/


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This is really a two part question but I am thinking the person that knows one answer might know the other. I need to visit several of our remote offices and do a complete inventory of our hardware. I have already begun at our local office and it is a tedious process disrupting the end user and reading or scanning serial numbers off of monitors. Some print is so small I can barely read it and in other cases I need to unplug everything just to be able to get access. Anyway, I know there a WMIC command that allows me to get the workstation serial number but I have not found a way to view the monitor serials from the computer screen. Is there a way to view the monitor serial from Windows or better yet is there a way to remotely retrieve the monitor serials?

Serial Number Lookup

On the same subject, I am also looking for inventory software I can load on my laptop that might scan and retrieve all device Serials, MACs and IPs. My inventory will include all printers, switches and routers. If I can start by scanning the entire office and getting a lot of information before I begin, it would make my inventory much easier