Toontrack Keygen Team Air Computer Identifier
How-To Geek Forums / Windows 7
(Solved) - understanding computer ID number {vs the hardware id numbers}
(8 posts)Ezdrummer Keygen Invalid Computer Id Number. This article is going to go through the complete.TOONTRACK KEYGEN TEAM AIR COMPUTER ID.
I need to find the 'computer ID number'. After some quick research I found a registry key that has what (I believe) is the correct number. I cant give the exact path; think its HKLM>software>microsoft>IE>regestration>{product ID reg string value}. Thats Win7. In XP I believe its HKLM>software>microsoft>Windows>Current>{product ID reg string value}. (pardon me Im new to writing out reg values and paths, please correct my syntext). So I got a string value with 'Product I.D.' which seems right. The reason I need it, thats where Im having issues.
I do PC repair and I am trying to read a Mac osX drive in Windows. I have that MacDrive, and the keygen requires a serial, then it asks for computer ID number, then it is supposed to register and work. (I apologoze that my first question is about a keygen). I am trying to do a data transfer for a customer. I had a customer supplied Mac and external/USB laptop HDD in PC format. I transfered the data to my work machine, now I need to get it to the Mac. I dont want to waste time burning DVDs(45 GIGs....ugh) and I tried network, but I am not familiar enough with Macs; I dont want to change customers network settings (if I found them) and then not be able to change them back .[example being, with any other customer machine, I enter ' {my work machine name}D ' and my D drive where their data is pops up]. I cant figure out how to enter network path on this Mac so I don't want to make it unuseable for her later. i don't know how to determine the name of her Mac, or I would go from my work machine to hers, but enabling sharing...??? So I got MacDrive, 7 and 8, and every keygen I get has that computer ID number, which when I enter, from the number in that 'Product ID' registry key, the keygens keep telling me 'invalid number length. Everywhere I look I get no solid answer about what length it should be so, can you help me at all?
I would go back to doing this data trans network, if I can have clear instructions on how to enable and using sharing on the Mac, if that would work. Thank you.
hi 202d. To make it easier for you (and us), in Regedit, right click on the key you want, and select Copy Key Name, and then paste it in your post.
cant get it to copy; did a print screen do i upload image (.pspimage file) to here?
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRegistration
Ok, as Ive been waiting for your answer, Im guessing that the number I looked up in the registry is NOT what this keygen is looking for. I already finished the job that I needed to, but I would still like to know how to use that keygen, if you can tell me what they mean when they say enter the 'computer id'...
All help about keygens stops here.
Why not use a USB drive ?
How about this instead; how do I do network sharing with a Mac? With a PC and windows, I type in the run box ' <pc name>'. Where, on a Mac, would I do that type of network command?
[scratch previous question, apoligize for that]
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